FOOMA JAPAN 2024 -The World’s Leading Food Processing Expo

FOOMA JAPAN 2024 -世界最大规模的食品制造综合展览会

  • 5C-37
  • Exportation


Booth Highlights

The highlight of this event is that we will be exhibiting our new product, a three-shaft mixer specifically for whipping, for the first time at FOOMA.
This mixer can achieve efficiency, large capacity, and high quality, so please feel free to contact us.
We also introduce many examples of problem solving in a wide range of food manufacturing processes,
focusing on improving the efficiency of manufacturing processes, saving labor, and automation systems.
We have a wide variety of mixers and peripheral equipment that use shaking mixers to improve quality, safety, and hygiene.
We respond to all customer needs based on our advanced technology and wide range of knowledge.

About us

Main Company Products, Technologies, Services, etc.
Since our establishment, we have been designing and manufacturing all kinds of stirrers and mixers based on our more than 100 years of experience in the field of "mixing technology".
As a manufacturer specializing in mixers, we respond to a wide range of needs from research and development to factory production in the food and chemical fields.

◆Manufacturing and sales of commercial vertical mixers and import and sales of related products
Design, manufacture and sale of stirrers and mixers / Mixers for confectionery and bread making / Vertical mixer / Shaking mixer / Spiral mixer / Peripheral equipment for mixers / Cosmetics and chemical Machine
For SDGs
3-12, Oharacho, Itabashiku, Tokyo, 174-0061
  • TEL: +81-3-3966-8651
  • FAX: +81-3-3966-8656
  • E-mail:
  • Inquiry:
Countries and Regions Available for Export
China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Netherlands