FOOMA JAPAN 2024 -The World’s Leading Food Processing Expo

FOOMA JAPAN 2024 -世界最大规模的食品制造综合展览会

Taste a variety of menus, from Tokyo locals to worldwide



FOOMA Tokyo Bar is a food event that brings together all tastes, from both local areas and overseas.

The event brings together the current charms of Koto City, including famous and popular restaurants, craft beers, and hot delicacies that are now rising in popularity.
There will also be food trucks enabling visitors to enjoy street food from around the world, including Asian countries, North and South America, and elsewhere.
Please be sure to take advantage of this opportunity to have lunch and discuss business during your visit.

【Opening Hours】
June 4th (Tue) to June 6th (Thu):11:00-19:00 (L.O 18:30)
※June 7th (Fri) 11:00-14:00 (L.O. 13:30)

Tokyo Big Sight East Hall 1 Rotary

【Entrance Fee】
free entrance

  • 江東おでかけ情報局
  • 東京お台場.net