FOOMA JAPAN 2024 -The World’s Leading Food Processing Expo

FOOMA JAPAN 2024 -世界最大规模的食品制造综合展览会

  • 7N-16


Booth Highlights

TETOTE, Bridgestone's soft robot hand with fingers made of artificial muscle, was first unveiled as a prototype at last year's FOOMA. It gently grasps foods with delicate movements.
Now that TETOTE complies with the Food Sanitation Law and is ready for use at customer sites, a demonstration will be held to remind people of the introduction of TETOTE into the production of food products sold in supermarkets and so on.
We will also offer you a "future taste experience " with a soft robot combined with the most advanced AI technology.

About us

Main Company Products, Technologies, Services, etc.
Softrobotics Ventures is the first inhouse venture of Bridgestone, continues to creare new opportunities to pioneer new horizons for soft robotics that can accompany and support people's daily lives. Soft robots utilize artificial rubber muscles that leverage the know-how gained from the development and production of tires and hoses are designed to work alongside humans. One such product is TETOTE, a soft robot hand. Taking advantage of its flexibility, shock resistance, light weight, and high output, the soft robotic hand with rubber artificial muscles mounted on the "fingers" can grasp objects of various shapes, hardness, and weight with "good feeling," eliminating all kinds of "grabbing.
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