FOOMA JAPAN 2024 -The World’s Leading Food Processing Expo

FOOMA JAPAN 2024 -世界最大规模的食品制造综合展览会

  • 1D-21
  • Exportation

DREMAX CO., LTD. 株式会社道利马可丝

Booth Highlights

We have a wide range of products, from small type machines used in restaurant and kitchens to medium & heavy-duty type machines that perform mass processing in food processing factories and central kitchens, possible demonstrate the machines in the booth and you can check the cutting finish directly. It will be easier to get an image of the actual product.
Please take a look at DREMAX's products, which enable high-speed mass processing of not only vegetables and fruits but also meat and fish.
We welcome you visit our booth. And we are wearing orange uniforms.

About us

Main Company Products, Technologies, Services, etc.
"F-2000S " that realizes cut radish thin julienne and beautiful ginger slices and "F-2000D " capable of delicate dice cutting from 1.2 mm to 10 mm.
"F-2000S / D" is do very well with 4 roles in 1 machine! Slices, julienne, dice cuts, and streaked cuts are possible. It is a machine that can cut all ingredients "instantly, without waste, and with high quality" with one unit.
In addition, we have other commercial food processing equipment such as slicers, peelers, and grating machines that can be used everywhere.
For SDGs

3-3-9 Nishiaoki,
Kawaguchi-shi, Saitama-ken 332-0035
  • TEL: +81-48-254-1231
  • FAX: +81-48-254-1331
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