FOOMA JAPAN 2024 -The World’s Leading Food Processing Expo

FOOMA JAPAN 2024 -世界最大规模的食品制造综合展览会

  • 7S-27
  • Exportation


Booth Highlights

【Food Eco-Indicators : Not Just Decarbonization】
My-eco-ruler is a service that enables the measurement, analysis, and communication of eco-indicators for food products. In addition to indicators for global warming, such as greenhouse gases, multifaceted eco-indicators like biodiversity measures are available, highlighting the further appeal of products. Measure your products and enhance their appeal!

About us

Main Company Products, Technologies, Services, etc.
Feature1: Proficiency in analyzing products in the food industry.
The model of my-eco-ruler specializes in analyzing products in the food industry, known for their intricate value chains compared to other industries.

Feature2: Adaptable to diverse environmental analyses
My Eco Ruler" visualizes eco-scores with over 10 food eco-indicators. You might discover the new appeal in your current products!

Feature 3: Simplified Analysis Process
Specialized staff handle system inputs and reviews within My-eco-ruler, enabling users to focus on utilizing and managing analysis results .
For SDGs
5th Floor, Resona Kudan Building, 1-5-6 Kudan Minami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
  • TEL: 81-80-3551-1863
  • E-mail:
  • Inquiry:
Countries and Regions Available for Export
Spain, France, USA, Italy, United Kingdom